Article I. Purpose and Name
Section I. The name of this organization shall be Pershing County Alumni Association. Its purpose shall be a Home Coming day whereas all Graduates of the Pershing County High School will meet at an annual Banquet, and for the purpose of promoting all Alumni Activities.
Article II. Qualification of Members
Section I. All students who have graduated with Diplomas from the Pershing County High School shall become members of this organization.
Section II. It shall be the duty of each and every member of the Alumni to help in promoting all Alumni activities.
Section III. All members who pay the dues for the given activities provided for in this Constitution shall be active members, and all others shall be associated members.
Section IV. Only active members shall have the right to enter any function given by the Association other than those open to the public.
Section V. All members of the Pershing County Alumni Association shall have the right to vote on any subject brought before this Association.
Article III. Officers and Elections
Section I. The general officers of this organization shall be: 1. President 2. Vice-President 3. Secretary 4. Treasurer 5. Historian 6. Two Trustees (Two Year)
Section II. All members of this so called “Pershing County Alumni Association” shall be eligible to hold any office excepting the office of President, whereas any member to hold this office must have been an active member for one (1) year previous.
Section III. No member shall hold two (2) Alumni Offices at the same time or serve more than one (1) consecutive year in the same office, with the exception of the Trustees who shall serve two (2) year terms.
Section IV. Nomination for all offices shall be by nomination from the floor by members of the Pershing County Alumni Association following presentation of a slate of officers presented by the nominating committee.
Section V. The voting for the officers of this organization shall be by voice vote and the candidates receiving the greatest number of votes shall be elected.
Section VI. Any officer failing to perform his duty shall vacate his office and another officer may be chosen through the power and meeting of the other officers, unless a sufficient reason can be given he shall be excused from duty.
Article IV. Term of Office
Section I. All offices of this Pershing County Alumni Association shall be for one (1) year and Trustees for two (2) years.
Section II. Selection of one Trustee every year for a Two year term.
Article V. Duties of Officers
Section I. President 1. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings. 2. To see that all orders of the Pershing County Alumni Association are duly carried out. 3. To abide by and enforce this Constitution. 4. To countersign all orders against the funds of this Association. 5. He/she shall have the power to call special meetings of this Association whenever he considers it necessary.
Section II. Vice-President 1. It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to preside in case of the absence of the president and to aid him/her in the fulfillment of the duties.
Section III. Treasurer 1. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to collect all money due the Pershing County Alumni Association. 2. To take care of all funds depositing the same in some local bank of good standing. 3. To report conditions of finances when called for by request of the Alumni Association through the President. 4. To collect all dues from members and gate receipts from all activities sponsored by the Alumni Association. 5. To delegate the collecting of the above items to the Association.
Section IV. Secretary 1. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep the minutes of all meetings and on request shall read these records at the regular meetings of the Pershing County Alumni Association.
Section V. Historian
1. It shall be the duty of the Historian to keep records of all the Graduating Students who become members of this Pershing County Alumni Association in a book called “Alumni”. 2. This book must be kept in good hands by the Historian. 3. The historian must call roll of each class by years, at the time and place made by the Association.
Section VI. Trustees 1. There shall be Two (2) Trustees in an advisory capacity.
Article VI. Special Committees
Section I. Committees for special occasions may be appointed at any time as the occasion may require by the President.
Section II. Nominating Committee shall consist of the Officers and Trustees.
Article VII. Meetings --- Time and Place
Section I. All meetings of the Pershing County Alumni Association shall be called by the President. Notice of meetings shall be published in the local paper.
Section II. Only Pershing County Alumni Association members and their spouses shall have the right to attend the annual Banquet to be held as soon as is practical following graduation each year at a place selected by the officers.
Section III. All meetings of the Pershing County Alumni Association shall be ruled and run on the so called book “Roberts Rules of Order”.
Article VIII. Alumni Association Awards
Section I. Each year as the funds of this Association permit there shall be made to deserving Graduating Seniors of Pershing County high Scholl awards as determined by the Pershing County Alumni Association.
Section II. All awards shall be presented during the Association’s Annual Banquet.
Section III. All awards shall be presented by the Association’s President.
Article IX. Amending the Constitution
Section I. Whenever Officers and Trustees or Two Thirds (2/3) of the Active Alumni Association shall deem it necessary to propose amendments to this Constitution, which are valid to all intents and purposes of this Constitution, and when ratified by the Active Alumni members by a majority of Three Fourths (3/4) vote of those attending any meeting of the Association, providing that no amendment shall in any manner affect the first, third, and fourth section of Article II. Only then shall such amendment be made to this Constitution.